AUASBAN – An Indian brand for women.
A brand that can resonate with today’s elegant, confident woman. AUASBAN’s design ideology is simple, clean, and yet chic. The garments are timeless, so they are wearable season after season. Some of the pieces are also reversible in addition to being timeless. The idea is to promote conscious buying in a world of impulse buying. AUASBAN is for the woman who is not just fashionable but also aware of her buying behaviour, and how it could impact the environment.
AUASBAN (pro as “AA-US-BAN”) was founded on June 1st, 2018 by, Anusmita Banerji, with the aim of becoming a household name for all clothing needs. And so, the journey began with womenswear. The brand name, is an abbreviation of the names of some very important people to the brand. In the Founder’s own words, It stands for:
A – Amitangshu, my Father. An Indian Naval Officer who has been AUASBAN’s guiding light and its biggest cheerleader.
U – Udita, my Mother. A Social Science Teacher by profession, and the creative force behind AUASBAN, making sure that its designs are both unique and conventional.
A – Anusmita, Me, the Founder of AUASBAN. Trying to take in all the advice, the support, the criticisms, but mainly going with my own gut to make the brand awesome.
S – Sagarika, my Sister. An Aerospace Engineer, who has always been willing to be a pawn in my fashion experiments. AUASBAN’s very own model (whenever she has the time).
BAN – Short for Banerji. The family name that ties us all together! 
The most important aspect of AUASBAN is the logo. It is an abstract flower form which comes from a bunch of spots on the brand’s official star icon. Pointer, my Dalmatian, is the star icon for the brand after whose spots the logo has been designed. At AUASBAN, we create each and every piece with a lot of love and pride, and we hope you enjoy wearing them.